High Point Pharms CBD Store - Hutchinson, KS

Our store is located at 328 N. Main St, Hutchinson KS, 67501 USA

Our High Point Pharms products are made from regeneratively grown Industrial Hemp on our own farm. High Point Family Farms is located in western Reno County, on none other than High Point Road. We are proud to say that our brand is Kansas grown, processed and manufactured. From seed to sale we know our products. "We know it, cause we grow it!"


We would love to serve you! Come see Lauren or the rest of the Hiatt's at our store in Hutchinson, KS




328 North Main Street
Hutchinson, KS 67501
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10:00AM - 6:00PM
Sat.: 9:00AM - 12:00PM
Sun.: Closed


Phone: 620-860-5080
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